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CAP/CIPA в Українів Україні Registered TradeMark:  International Registration #877380, CIPAEN Inc., USA


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2012-02-28 | Батрун Лариса Ивановна
Financial Manager, Chief Accountant
Date of Birth: 22 March, 1968; Address: Kiev, Sholudenko Street, 31a, flat 52; Phones: mob.8 (098) 949-79-13, work 498-67-16, home 484-44-89; Marital Status: Married, family: husband, daughter (22-maried), son (20); Education: Higher, Kiev Trade and Economy Institute, 1989; Specialty: Accounting and Business Analysis; Additional Certificate: Certified Accounting Practitioner (CAP), December, 2006; Languages: Ukrainian - native, Russian - fluent, English – fluent; PC Literacy: MS office programs, J.D.Edward, 1C 7.7, Quick Books, Client-Bank, BEST-ZVIT; M.E.DOK Second education: National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, 2010 (English Teacher); Work Experience: July 2008 – up to the present: Buchanskiy Zavod Sklotary LLC, producer of glass packing. From April 2010 until now – Chief Accountant. Accounting department managing (7 person), preparing reports to Statistic and Tax Inspection. Tax planning. Until April 2010 – financial controller. Preparing Reporting Package (quarterly) and Management Information Reports (monthly) for Greek owners. December 2006 – June 2008 Perry Construction LLC, construction company, (directors: Michael Perry, Pavlenko Ilia Ivanovich, 490-90-80), Financial Director. Accounting of all financial operations with Quick Books system (in English). Preparing basic documents (Agreements, Quotes, Valuations, Acts of Acceptance) for work, controlling. March 2004 – January 2007: Rubicon Capital LLC, financial consulting; other two companies of the same owners, agricultural, buying and selling property, (director Brian Best, 490-20-21), Chief Accountant. Building of accounting and financial system of enterprises from the scratch, record keeping with 1S, summarizing and communicating reported data for management to make effective decisions, tax optimization experience, budgeting. April 2001- March 2004: Silver-Print LLC, cardboard wrapper and other printed output production, Chief Accountant. Data input to 1S system for previous 1.5 year, managing of accounting department of four specialists. Target setting for 1S specialist to make improvement to the program to meet accounting needs of printed output production, preparing every day Excel reports to owner about performance of customer’s orders. March 1997 – May 2001: Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Main Specialist of Accounting Department Accounting of bank transactions, expenses, expense/advance reports, inventories and settlements with vendors. Experience of working with a big accounting team. March 1993 – March 1997: Kindergarten # 418 of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Chief Accountant. The only book-keeper, manual process, gained experience as primary accounting on all areas as well as financial reporting and budgeting.

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