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2011-03-21 | Скорикова Татьяна Николаевна
Главный бухгалтер, зам. главного бухгалтера, специалист по корп. отчетности
050 7243917
Curiculum vitae Tatiana Skorikova 1. Telephone 8-050-724-39-17 2. e-address Tanya-1179@yandex.ru 3. Achievements In January, 2004 after one year experience at Furshet LTD I was recognized as the best accountant of Ukrainian chain Furshet for making an important distribution to chain development. 4. Work placement 2008- up to date Metro Cash and Carry Ukraine (Simferopol affiliate) Responsibilities- Management and control of all financial and accounting operations ,accounting of inventories, salary, fixed assets, bank operations, accounts payable and receivable, revenue and expenses , tax and financial reporting, managerial accounting, operational activity analysis. 2005-2008- Non-food retailing company Eldorado sim, chief accountant. Responsibilities- Management and control of all financial and accounting operations ,accounting of inventories, salary, fixed assets, bank operations, accounts payable and receivable, revenue and expenses , tax and financial reporting, managerial accounting with ERP-system, tax planning, financial analysis, budget preparation, controlling 2002-2005 Food retailing company Furshet ltd, Simferopol and Evpatoria affiliates, chief accountant. Responsibilities- Management and control of all financial and accounting operations ,accounting of inventories, salary, fixed assets, bank operations, accounts payable and receivable, revenue and expenses , tax and financial reporting, tax planning. 2000-2002 Agricultural company Yaltinskoe, accountant. Responsibilities- Management and control of all financial and accounting operations, control of productive cost allocation, analysis of productive budget variances, applying overheads, accounting of salary and service department, tax and financial reporting. 5. Education/certification November 2006-march 2007 CAP (Certified Accounting Practitioner) June 2007-November 2009 CIPA (Certified International Professional Accountant) 1996-2001 Simferipol Economics and Management University. Specialist Degree in Economics. Major in accounting and audit. The Ukrainian Association of certified accountants and auditors member. 6. Special skills Working as part of team, proficient user of MS office programs, 1C. 7.7, FinExpert, SAP, good financial analysis and financial management skills (lecture courses of financial management for accountants), Russian, Ukrainian native speaker, English –Advanced A.

Получены результаты экзаменов ноябрьской сессии 2024 г.

Управленческий учет - 1
Финансовый учет - 1

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Опыт подготовки по международным сертификатам с 2006г. Профессиональные преподаватели-практики. Удобное месторасположение - м.Олимпийская. Обязательная проверка домашних заданий,авторские дополнительные материалы

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Главний бухгалтер

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